Submitted by bgarton on Fri, 01/20/2023 - 15:34
The Jury Service Period for all January 23rd to February 3rd jurors has now begun.
Jurors in Groups [1, 8, 9, & 11] from the 01/23 Service Period need to report on Monday, January 23rd by 8:15 am to the Division 1 courtroom located on the main floor in the Judicial and Law Enforcement Center at 111 E 11th.
Jurors in these groups who fail to appear on Monday may be cited for contempt of court.
All other active jurors please call the Jury Service Line again after 5:30pm on Tuesday, January 24th to find out if you are required to appear on Wednesday, January 25th.
Thank you and have a good weekend.
Contact First Name:
Contact Last Name:
Contact Department:
Clerk of the District Court
Contact Job Title:
Jury Clerk / Jury Coordinator
Contact Email: