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Jury Portal

Jury Trial on Wednesday, October 10th - Group 2, Group 5, Group 6, Group 7

Jurors in Group 2, Group 5, Group 6, and Group 7 will need to report to the Judicial and Law Enforcement Center on Wednesday, October 10th by 8:30 AM for a jury trial.

Jurors in these groups who were selected to serve as a juror for trials that began on Wednesday, October 3rd will not need to report for the trial on Wednesday, October 10th.

The Judicial and Law Enforcement Center is located in Lawrence at 111 E 11th st, just off of 11th and Massachusetts. Jurors will go to the Division 6 courtroom, located through the glass doors past the metal detectors at the main entrance of the building.

Jurors who fail to report may be cited for contempt of court.

For jurors in all other groups whose service began on October 1st, your service is complete.

Thank you.

Contact First Name: 
Contact Last Name: 
Contact Department: 
Clerk of the District Court
Contact Job Title: 
Jury Coordinator