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Jury News

January 10th, 2018 - No Jury Trials (UPDATED)

The Jury Trial originally scheduled for tomorrow, January 10th has been canceled.

Jurors in Group 5 and Group 6, as well as all other jurors, will not need to report for a jury trial tomorrow morning.

There will be no Jury Trials on Monday, January 15th as the court will be closed for the holiday.

All jurors please call this number again on Tuesday, January 16th after 5:30 PM to learn if you will be needed for a Jury Trial on Wednesday, January 17th.

Thank you.

January 8th, 2018 - No Jury Trials

The service period for jurors scheduled for January 8th through January 19th has begun. However, there are no jury trials on Monday, January 8th.

All jurors will need to call the Jury Service Line at 785.832.5108 after 5:30 PM on Tuesday, January 9th to learn if they will be needed for a jury trial on Wednesday, January 10th.

Thank you.

No Jury Trials for Full Duration of the December 25th - January 5th Service Period

There will be no jury trials for the full duration of the December 25th through January 5th service period.

All qualified jurors for that period will have no jury trials to report for, and their service is considered complete.

If you have any questions about this, please contact the jury coordinator at 785.832.5213 or by e-mail at

Thank you for your willingness to serve.

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